Guymon police today released the results of the 2009 Drunk Driving- Over the Limit Under Arrest campaign which they participated in from March 21 thru September 7, 2009.
A total of 11 arrests for DUI were made by officers of the Guymon Police Department along with 10 Driving with Suspended License arrests, 45 No Drivers License arrests, 3 Reckless Driving Charges, 1 Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance charge, and 1 Public Intoxication charge, along with many other violations.
Officers of the Guymon Police Department along with agencies throughout Oklahoma took part in this campaign geared toward targeting drunk drivers as part of a combined effort to address this serious safety problem.
Statistics prepared for the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office show that the Guymon Police Department had a total of 135 contacts for Speeding, 50 for Uninsured Motorists, 31 for Disobeying a Traffic Signal, and 64 for Disobeying a Stop Sign during the campaign.
The total number of contacts made by Guymon PD during the campaign was 652 which included 68 misdemeanor arrests and 3 felony arrests.