Rep. Petty To Co-Sponsor Transparency Bill

State Representative Reid Petty has joined thirteen other members of the Kansas House of Representatives to co-sponsor a bipartisan bill that would require all committee meetings by the legislature to be streamed live by either video or audio online.

The bill is House Bill 2438, and is called the Transparency and Accountability Act.

Petty said transparency is vital in government.

"It is important that the people we represent have an opportunity to see and hear first hand how the process works. Many people, especially with my district being so far away have no way to follow the Kansas Legislature. This will provide that opportunity," Petty said.

Petty would also like to see another transparency bill that is currently in the rules committee go through this year.

"There is a bill called the Rubin Rule, which would require that all votes cast be recorded votes. Right now not all of them are. Also, the Rubin Rule would put a stop to bill bundling. I think that would be a big step in the right direction. Way too often good bills get bundled with bad bills. That isn’t good government," Petty said.

Before Petty was a State Representative, he pushed for and helped pass a measure on the USD 480 Board of Education to televise board meetings.