The Liberal boys have won both cross country meets at WAC venues this year. The Skins won the Hays meet Thursday scoring 43. Hays was second with 52 while Great Bend scored 85 and Garden City scored 105. All seven Redskins ran personal bests. Morgan Riggs took third (16:32). Jaime Minjarez was eighth (17:11). Victor Avila placed ninth (17:22). His brother Alejandro Avila was 10th (17:23). Juan Carlos Rodriguez placed 13th (17:32). Alan Grajeda placed 15th (17:34). Benito Rivera placed 17th (17:48).
The LHS girls placed fourth out of eight teams with two freshmen leading the way. Great Bend took first with 49 followed by Junction City (50), Hays (61), Liberal (89), and Dodge City (117). Destiny Lucero led the Lady Skin harriers with a fifth place finish (16:42). Gabby Galan was 18th (17:35). Noemi Hernandez took 22nd (17:54). Flor Parral was 25th (18:06). Lauren Sumner took 26th (18:11). Leslie DeLeon took 28th (18:15). Morgan Wills was 32nd (18:32). The next meet is in Lawrence September 26th.
The LHS cross country team ran with Katie Visco this morning at 6:00 am a mile past the Oklahoma line.