One week after a double header sweep which included a 19-0 loss and perfect game, Liberal was competitive against Garden City Tuesday in Liberal. Despite a pair of 13-4 losses, head coach Pat Knot was pleased with his teams’ play. Consider the week before in Garden City, the Buffs won by a combined 30-1.
In game one, Garden City led 3-1 until the fifth when the Buffaloes chased home six runs. Liberal countered with two in the inning to make it 9-4 but the Buffs scored one in the sixth and three in the seventh. Riley Hay, Cynthia Cisneros, Caty Hinnergardt, and Jayce Darroch had two hits a piece in Liberal’s 10 hit attack.
In game two, Garden again led just 3-1 into the fifth before scoring four in the fifth, one in the sixth, and five in the seventh. Liberal left the bases loaded in the bottom of the sixth trailing 7-4. Jayce Darroch, Micah Hasik, and Kaitlyn Ralston had two hits a piece as LHS banged eight hits.
Friday Liberal split at Wichita Southeast losing 14-4 but winning 13-3 as Darroch struck out six.
LHS is 5-9 and hosts Stanton County Thursday at 4 p.m. Garden City is 6-2.