Liberal won a second WAC road game of the week Thursday night.
The Redskins beat Garden City 3-0 Thursday at Buffalo Stadium in Garden City. Liberal
started off strong in the beginning of the first half with Carlos Rodriguez
scoring from outside the box 10 minutes before the half with an assist from
Yahir Salazar. Ending the first half 1-0 Redskins. Starting the second half
Liberal controlled the ball more and 1 minute into the second half
Carlos Rodriguez sent it to A.J. Ramirez scoring from inside the box. Levi
Flores made a save from an outside the box shot. In the 25th minute
Carlos Rodriguez makes pass to Estevan Dominguez who moves it to the middle
of the outside box and scores. Liberal controled the remainder of the game.
Redskins finish the game 3-0 and get the W.