Rafe Begley Named LHS Principal

The USD 480 board of education met Monday night. The board approved the hiring of Rafe Begley as Liberal High School Principal. Begley had been assistant principal and had worked at the high school since August of 2006. He replaces Keith Adams who is leaving to take a job in Independence, Missouri. Jason Diseker will be the new principal at South Middle School. Diseker currently is assistant principal and activities director at South. He replaces Gib Rito who is leaving for Independence. Michael Rogg is the new director of auxiliary services replacing Robert Burkey who leaves for Independence. The new director of data and assessment is Donna Sill. She is the current principal at Cottonwood Intermediate. She replaces Jill Stout who leaves for Independence. The board also approved the intent to rehire all classified staff which are maintenance type jobs. The board approved the rehiring of a list of certified staff which are teachers.

The board contracted with a group to perform environmental studies on the properties of the future schools. This has to be done to close on the properties where the new schools will be constructed.