Looking for goldfish
Looking for goldfish 620-624-7319...
Moving sale Saturday July 11 318 Main in Kismet 7:30-1:00
Moving sale Saturday July 11 318 Main in Kismet 7:30-1:00...
10-7ft Creosote posts, 30 8ft posts, 2 stock tanks
10-7ft Creosote posts, 30 8ft posts, 2 stock tanks 620-622-4307...
Looking for 2 kitchen chairs
Looking for 2 kitchen chairs 620-655-4921...
27″ Console TV, 2 cum alongs, Intellevision game system
27" Console TV, 2 cum alongs, Intellevision game system 620-655-6712...
Twin flex bed, clothes racks, table and chairs, quilting items, steel cabinet and shelves
Twin flex bed, clothes racks, table and chairs, quilting items, steel cabinet and shelves 1270 N.Grant in Liberal 620-544-5796...
400 1 year old red laying hens
400 - 1 year old red laying hens$6/each 580-651-7088...
6 1/2 ft Red camper shell/topper
6 1/2 ft Red camper shell/topper 620-521-0835...
Looking for white or spotted young donkeys
Looking for white or spotted young donkeys 620-635-6369...
2008 Chevy Tahoe LTW 4WD
2008 Black Chevy Tahoe LTW 4WD. Navigation system, sun roof, TV/DVD, garaged. 580-522-1700...
1987 L98 Corvette
1987 L98 Corvette Cinnamon in color 4sp, racing clutch 620-417-0324...
Set of 20″ Chrome wheels, 1999 Dodge Durango
Set of Universal 20" Chrome wheels, $450 1999 Dodge Durango, $800 620-309-0404...
Looking for small apartment size table
Looking for small apartment size table 620-655-4921...
Brand new alternator for a semi truck
Brand new alternator for a semi truck. Make offer. 620-544-1419...
4-46″ Rear wheal for a John Deere tractor, 1446
-46" Rear wheal for a John Deere tractor, 1446 336-613-7031...
2017 Nissan Titan PU, 2 restored antique tractors
2017 Nissan Titan PU, regular cab longbed, clean, 3 door aluminum topper, warranty. 9,100 miles 2 small restored antique tractors 620-417-3038...
Looking for New Zealand white or Californian rabbits
Looking for New Zealand white or Californian rabbits 620-309-9028...
Looking for 30ft transfer grain auger
Looking for 30ft transfer grain auger 620-428-1100...
Looking for a hand held massage device
Looking for a hand held massage device 620-655-6712...
Inversion Table, Train sets
Inversion Table, $100 Train sets complete set-ups or will sell individual pieces. 620-655-7319...
Kitchen Table and 4 metal chairs
Kitchen Table and 4 metal chairs. $125.00 620-544-5796...
Looking for a H&K VP9
Looking for a H&K VP9 620-309-9375...
Ford double axle seed truck
Ford double axle seed truck New brakes and brake cylinder. $3,000/OBO 620-544-1419...
Looking for a chest type deep freeze, and small diesel tractor
Looking for a chest type deep freeze, and small diesel tractor, with loader, 50-60hp 620-541-1293...
2-30ft sickles for 9000 series combine, extra parts
2-30ft sickles for 9000 series combine, extra parts 620-428-5426...