Public Invited To Meet The Democratic Candidates

The Seward County Democratic Party will meet on Thursday, July 26, at the Masonic Lodge, 16 E. Fourth St. The potluck dinner will start at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting will be at 7 p.m. Items on the agenda include introducing Senate candidate Johnny Dunlap II and upcoming elections and events. Dunlap is the Democrat candidate for the 38th State Senate District. With no primary opposition, he will be running against incumbent Republican Senator Garrett Love for the November elections. Dunlap graduated from Dodge City High School and has a Bachelor’s degree from Hays State University. He works at Newman University where he helps students enroll to become teachers. An active volunteer, he has chaired the Ford County Democratic Party since 2010. He lives in Spearville, KS with his wife Niki and his ten-year-old daughter, Lily. For the potluck, drinks, plates, napkins, plastic ware and cups will be provided. Members are asked to bring a main dish, side dish or dessert to share. Anyone interested in the Democratic Party is invited to attend. For more information, call 629-0203.