Prepare Before The Storm

TCEC has been monitoring the coming winter weather event to be prepared in case of potential damage to the system and widespread outages. A winter storm system is forecasted to impact TCEC’s service territory and surrounding areas beginning the Saturday after Christmas, December 26, and continuing through early Tuesday morning, December 29. While precipitation amounts will vary across the cooperative’s service territory, cold temperatures and wet conditions are a combination for possible power outages.

“We urge all our members to be prepared for the possibility of power outages at any time,” Chris Purdy, TCEC vice president of Member Solutions. “Members should download our mobile app and have an emergency kit on hand. They should also be aware of safety measures for generators if they plan to use them.” Purdy offered these tips for members to prepare before the storm: · Download ‘TCEC Mobile’ from your phone’s app store. Call TCEC at 580.652.2418 during regular business hours to register your account if you don’t already have a login. With the app you can:

o Report an outage o Monitor outages via the outage map o View TCEC’s Facebook and Twitter pages for outage updates

· Save TCEC’s phone number 580.652.2418 in your mobile phone in case you need to call quickly if your power goes out.

· Download ‘Touchstone Energy Weather Connection’ from your phone’s app store. Enter the Co-op Code ‘8005223315’ to unlock premium features.

· Visit the ‘Outages’ tab at to review outage preparation tips, including items for an emergency kit, TCEC’s generator safety brochure and app download links.

During the storm, members can report outages via the mobile app or by calling TCEC. This ensures the outage is recorded and entered into a service order to be dispatched to a serviceman to restore power. Please be patient if the lines are busy. During major outages, TCEC’s telephone lines are crowded with members calling in. Calls are answered 24 hours a day, and answered in the order they are received.

Members can follow Facebook and Twitter for outage updates but should not use social media to report outages since it is not connected to the outage system. “Once the storm hits, TCEC will assess the damage and focus initial efforts on areas that will restore power to the greatest number of people in the shortest period of time,” Purdy said. “Our members have been very patient and supportive during the recent storms. We truly appreciate them.”