Poulton and Stout Lead LHS to Second at Ulysses

Liberal took 2nd place at Ulysses Saturday at Bentwood Golf Course. Goodland won with 338, followed by liberal 353, and third was Oberlin with a 359. Gage Ihrig from Goodland won with a 77. Garrett Poulton and Blake Stout both carded an 87 and Garrett won 5th and Blake got 6th via scorecard playoff. Michael Begley won 10th with a 89. Daniel Dowell shot a 90, George Fitzgerald 94, Blake Brenneman 104. Head coach Kody Thexton says he was pleased overall.
"It’s good to have some momentum going into our last tournament at home. It’s good to have some positive things happen to us."
Next tournament is at Willowtree Tuesday starting at 1. Senior recognition will be before tee off