Popular Monkey at Lee Richardson Zoo Dies

Lee Richardson Zoo staff is mourning the passing of a long-time zoo resident. On September 26 during morning rounds, animal care staff found Daisy, a red-bellied spider monkey, had passed away during the night. Daisy was 34 years old. The median life expectancy for spider monkeys is 24.4 years.

Daisy died from post-surgical complications following a procedure performed on Saturday, September 23. It was the third surgery in 5 1/2 years to remove an abdominal bezoar. A bezoar is a tightly packed mass of indigestible or partially digested material found in the gastrointestinal tract. Since the first occurrence, she had been treated with diet changes to reduce the likelihood of a reoccurrence and had not had a repeat episode in almost three years.

Daisy had been at Lee Richardson Zoo for 31 years. She arrived in Garden City as one of a trio of spider monkeys from Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago, Illinois at 3 years of age. Over the years Daisy became a favorite of many staff and zoo visitors alike, and she will be missed.

“I will forever remember Daisy calling greetings to me whether on duty or off, even from as far away as the alpaca yard. Daisy will always hold a special place in my heart,” said Zoo Registrar Angela Herman.

Bruno, Daisy’s companion of fourteen years, still resides at Lee Richardson Zoo.

Spider monkeys are native to Central and South America and are well known for their prehensile tail which they are able to use like another hand. They are at risk in the wild due to the destruction of their forest habitat as well as poaching and the pet trade.