Ozzsome Grif Golf Tournament on Saturday

B1075 & Legend will be hosting the Ozzsome Grif Golf Tournament on Saturday June 21st at Kid’s Inc Grif Golf, the miniature golf course, located in north Blue Bonnet Park on 8th Street. It features flowing water, fountains, and pleasant lan dscaping. Open 7 days a week 6pm to 10p.
There will be two divisions of play. A Group/Family division with up to 5 players, 2 of which must be under 16 years of age (only the top 3 scores will be counted on each hole) & an Individual Division for anyone of any age. This is a FREE community event, with no charge to register or play.
The winner of each division will receive a $100 cash prize, provided by Al Shank Insurance. 1st, 2nd & 3rd place plaques will also be awarded in each division, provided by Southern Pioneer Electric.
National Beef will be providing free burgers and all the fixings.
Registration for Group Division begins @ 10am, play begins @ 10:30
Registration for Individual Division @ 11am & play begins as soon as Group ends
Lunch starts @ 11:30am.
Awards will be handed out at the end of each division’s play
There will also be a Hole in One Contest. Names will be randomly drawn from all who register for this event and the first person to make a hole in one will win a $50 cash prize courtesy of Hay, Rice & Associates.
Everyone who registers to play in any division will be in drawing for extra prizes to be handed out throughout the tournament.