Over 25 People Gather to Discuss Politics

Over 25 concerned citizens gathered at the EPIC PCS conference room Monday night to start a new grassroots political group in Liberal. There was even more who showed up that ended up leaving due to not having a place to sit.

Seward County Commissioner Jim Rice helped head up the group and spoke about different things the group could do such as encouraging members to run for local political offices, and recruiting people to run for an office.

Rice has been involved and interested in some of the 9/12 groups going on around the country. Rice said the direction of where the group goes is up the members.

Rice also introduced Board of Education member Reid Petty to talk about why he decided to run for political office and asked him to give some tips of how to be successful in an election.

Rice publicly endorsed Petty during his race back in April, and ever since they have met several times and discussed the possibility of starting a local ‘common sense’ type political group. Rice then set up a meeting with the High Plains Daily Leader Publisher/Owner Earl Watt to discuss it and how to market it.

At Monday’s meeting Rice also showed two short video clips that showed how both the Republicans and Democrats are to blame for all of the lobbying going on around Washington. There are several other clips that Rice plans to show.

Rice emphasized that people from all parties are invited to be apart of the group. The date for the second meeting will be announced shortly.