One Cent Sales Tax Question Passes

In Tuesday’s election, Seward County voters approved the one cent sales tax to continue. The results were 3,018 in favor with 1,151 against.

In other races, the Seward County results are as follows:


Trump/Pence 3278

Biden/Harris 1732

US Senate

Marshall 3025

Bollier 1722

US Rep. Dist 1

Mann 3216

Barnett 1713

State Senate Dist. 38

Estes 3059

Pando 1897

In unopposed races, 124th Dist House, Marty Long, 125th Dist House, Shannon Francis, County Comm Dist 1, CJ Wettstein, County Comm Dist 5, Steve Helm, Dist. Judge, Clint Peterson, County Clerk, Stacia Long, County Treas. Kitty Romine, County Atty. Russell Hasenbank, Sheriff Gene Ward, and Reg. Of Deeds Karen Warden all won or retained  their seats.