Olmstead Named Bee Jay Head Coach

Release from Liberal Bee Jays

August 22, 2018 – The Liberal Bee Jays are pleased to announce that Eric Olmstead has accepted an offer to be the head coach for the 2018-2019 season. Fans and area residents are very familiar with Olmstead. He was the assistant coach this past summer for the Bee Jays and is also the head coach of the Liberal High School baseball team. “Eric was a great addition to our organization this past summer and I am very pleased he has decided to be an even bigger part of the Bee Jays. He has a lot of energy and ideas for the team and I’m excited to have him aboard,” said Nathan McCaffrey, Bee Jays General Manager. “We haven’t had a truly local coach in a number of years and having him around during the off-season to help with recruiting and other tasks is extremely valuable.”