Liberal, KS- The Seward County Commission has appointed Dr. Maria Lauralynn Noblejas to serve on the SWMC Board of Trustees. Noblejas was elected to serve a two-year term. As a trustee, Noblejas will provide governance and leadership to Southwest Medical Center and its leadership team.
“I am excited because I want to give back to the community that has been my home for 15 years. I want a legacy in which people can remember me for the type of work I did. I’m used to working behind the scenes, and this position was a perfect fit where I can hopefully make a difference,” said Noblejas.
Noblejas, aka “Dr. Laura,” is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and has been the owner of Comprehensive Behavioral Health Center, LLC, since January of 2012. She treats individuals, families, and couples.
Dr. Laura is originally from Manila, Philippines. She moved to the United States at age three. She has been in the Midwest ever since she went to Muncie, Indiana to complete her internship for her doctoral degree. Dr. Laura moved to Liberal, Kansas in May of 2006 to work as a Licensed Psychologist at the Southwest Guidance Center. She has lived in Liberal for 15 years now, a place she considers one of her two homes.
“We are extremely pleased to welcome Dr. Laura Noblejas to our Board of Trustees. Her understanding of the needs of our community and experience as a clinician will help our organization continue to improve,” said Robert Whitaker, SWMC President and & CEO.
Other members of the board include Mark Schepers (Chairman), Dennis Sander (Vice-Chair), Tom Willis (Secretary), Ivanhoe Love Jr. (Treasurer), Ray Allen, M.D., and Jose Lara. The Board of Trustees is the highest policymaking body of SWMC and has authority for governance and fiscal policies of the health system.