Monday’s Rattler Scores: 14’s Win State

15’s at state in Coffeyville

Rattlers 15 Wellington 14 Lorenzo Pando MVP and Christian Hernandez wins WOW Award.

Play Tuesday at 10:30 for championship.

14’s at state in Haysville

14’s win state!

Rattlers 13 Wellington 5

Rattlers 7 Wellington 6

Angel Archuleta walks with bases loaded for walk off win.

13’s at state in Garden City

Rattlers 13 Osawatomie 2 in 5 Obadiah Barnett winning pitcher.

Rattlers 9 Spring River 4 in first championship. Trey Stout MVP and Sylman Pando WOW Award.

Final championship at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday morning.

11’s in Parsons

Rattlers 13 Wellington 2

Parsons 4 Rattlers 0 Rattlers runner up at state.