Middle School Results



Eisenhower 12 Garden City Kenneth Henderson 8

Dodge City 34 Seymour Rogers 0


Eisenhower 26 Garden City KH 6

Seymour Rogers 18 Dodge City 2

Cross Country

Today part of the Warrior XC team traveled to Cimarron and brought home
some hardware! While there were no team results available at the time of
this post we do have some individual results.

Seventh grade girls were represented by the following first time medalists:
Jovanna Martinez finish in 9th, Jacquelina Castillo 7th, Mana Chanthastone
6th and Abigail Michel in 5th.

Seventh grade boys finished with two medalist! Jonathan Ramirez finished in
9th place and Hudson Brown finished in 4th!

Our 8th grade girls also had two finish in the medal places: Ashley Sarabia
received her for finishing in 9th place and Jasmine Hoffman earned hers for
finishing 7th place.

In the 8th grade boys race we received one medal earned by Christian Rojas,
who finished in 8th place!

Congratulations to all the Warrior runners who traveled to Cimarron! Next
up, the league meet at Arkalon on Saturday, beginning with the 7th grade
girls at 10 am! We hope see you there!

Brandi Fowler