Tessy Barnett
Tessy Barnett has lived in Liberal, Ks for 20 years. She is married to Cory
Barnett and has three children; Tabitha, Corban, and Obadiah. In the 20 years of living in Liberal she has ran the race 19 times. She looks forward to the race every year, and prepares herself mentally and physically by eating healthier and a positive mindset. The best advice she could give to first-time racersis “The best is yet to come! I can’t wait to meet you all who are running with me.”
Melissa grew up in Liberal from ages 1-15 and has now returned. She is a
first-time racer, loves running and wanted to give the race a chance.
Kaitlyn Ralston
Kaitlyn is a teacher at Cottonwood Elementary, and has lived in Liberal for
24 years now. She is a returning racer from last year, her best advice to new
racers is “this is a tradition more than a race. Get to know the people you are
running with and have fun! It is an amazing way to bring the community together and also a global connection with Olney”.
Mikayla Knudsen
Mikayla has lived in Liberal for 29 years, and has always enjoyed being
involved in local events. She is a former racer, now coming back to her 6th year
racing. Advice she would give new racers is “take a deep breath and have fun with the other ladies!”
Lindsay Claus
Lindsay Claus is a first grade teacher at Prairie View Elementary. She has
done the race for 3 years now, and has always enjoyed it. She prepares for the
race by walking every day after school,so that she meet her goal of running faster this year.
Tommi Giris
Tommi is a second year resident of Liberal, KS and first time racer. She has
wanted to race but has never got the chance, so she’s excited for this year!
Breann Martinez
Breann has lived in Liberal for 5years now. She is a first time racer and
wanted to give it a try.
Maria Alba
Maria is a first time racer, and wanted to give herself a challenge. She is
mentally preparing herself to run the race as hard as she can.
Cristina Wesley
Cristina is running the race for the first time, her two little boys are also
involved in races this year. She is preparing herself both mentally and physically.
Maggie Lapinski
Maggie is a second time racer, and many are excited about her returning to
the race. She is training for the race by running on a regular basis. She would tell first time racers ‘go out and enjoy the day’.
Andrea Gomez
Andrea works for the city of liberal, and her fellow co-workers are the
reason why she decided to run the race this year. She has lived in Liberal 6
months now, and is very excited about running in the Pancake Day race for the
first time ever.
Minerba Lopez
Minerba is a second year racer, and likes running in it for fun. Her advice to
upcoming racers would be “ it is so hard if you are not in shape to run”.
Abby Lavato
Abby has lived in Liberal for 20 years, and is a first time racer. She decided
to participate in the race this year because of her cousin Andrea Gomez that is
also in the International Pancake Day race.
Morgan Potts
Morgan has lived in liberal for 3 years. She is running the race this year for
the first time with her fellow friends Kaitlyn Ralston and Maggie Lapinski. She is looking forward to the race! , she says.
Abby Williams
Abby is a first time racer, and was encouraged to do it by Lindsay Claus. She
is looking forward to being in the race,since it is her last year in Liberal.