Meade Schools go to Remote Learning Next Week

There will be no school in Meade on Friday and no high school football game against Satanta.  Here is the message from USD 226.

Meade schools

Meade Community:

Due to the high rate of positive COVID-19 cases in Meade, additional staff members who have tested positive or are in quarantine, students in quarantine, and now a positive student from each building, Meade Schools are forced to make a difficult decision. On Friday, September 18th there will be NO SCHOOL for ALL students. On Monday, September 21st remote instruction with teachers will begin for PS-12th grade. Teachers will connect with students through Zoom, Google Classroom, Seesaw, or some other means. Be on the lookout for further announcements. Remote instruction will continue at least through next week and possibly longer based on the number of positive cases and quarantines that continue to impact students, staff, and the community. Students are being asked to take home necessary materials, books, and Chromebooks today to prepare for Monday. If a parent does not have internet access, they are asked to contact the school. All activities and practices have been canceled until at least through next week and possibly longer. Individuals who need to be quarantined will be contacted by the Meade County Health Department. It is recommended that other students stay at home as much as possible and not congregate to help reduce the chances of further transmissions. We understand this will be difficult for many, but based on state and local health officials’ guidance, this is in the best interest of our students, staff, and community to help mitigate the rapid rise of COVID-19 cases in Meade.

Kenneth Harshberger, Superintendent