McDermott School Wins Awards

McDermott has been recognized for several academic honors throughout the past several years.

McDermott was recently selected for the 2010-11 Challenge Award in both reading AND math.

The Challenge Award is presented by the Confidence in Kansas Public Education Task Force. According to information received, “This award recognizes schools for outstanding achievement and uncommon accomplishment based on Kansas Assessment results, ethnicity and socio-economic status.” The top scoring school from each of ten regions was selected. More impressive, though, is the fact that only 26 buildings in Kansas received two or more awards. McDermott received this award in math and reading! Staff from McDermott will travel to Junction City, KS on November 9 to proudly accept their Challenge Awards.

“The Challenge Awards recognize schools that provide tangible proof of the long-held contention that all children can learn,” said Charles Volland , chairman of the Confidence in Kansas Public Education Task Force. “These schools are to be commended for overcoming the very real challenges that poverty poses to education.”

In addition to the challenge award, McDermott was awarded the standard of excellence for 2010-11. McDermott has been awarded the Standard of excellence in both reading and math for six consecutive years.

Standard of Excellence is given to schools who have met AYP and also have a certain percentage of students who score in the ‘exceeds’ and ‘exemplary’ categories on the Kansas State Assessment.

The Governor’s Award is a prestigious award that is given to schools whose combined Kansas Assessment math and reading score falls in the top 5% of all elementary schools in Kansas. McDermott has received this award three years out of the last six years. The Governor’s Award for 2010-11 has not yet been announced.