The City Clerk’s office announced that John Anthony Martinez, Janet Willimon, and Ron Warren filed for City Commission Tuesday morning.
They are the tenth, eleventh, and 12th candidates to file for the three (3) vacant City Commission positions, joining Dean Aragon, Lana Gudgel, DyJuan D. Barnes, Tammy L. Barnes, Doug LaFreniere, Christopher Linenbroker, Jack Carlile, Dean Alling, and Joe Bowden. A Primary Election will be held on March 3rd to reduce the field of candidates to six.
Filing for USD 480 School Board on Tuesday was Steve Helm, Cliff Abbott, and Travis Combs.
Ryan Kisner filed for Kismet City Council.
USD 480 Member Position Filings to date:
Chris Jewell
Matthew Durler
Stewart Cauble
Steve Helm
Cliff Abbott
Travis Combs
USD 480 “Unexpired Term” Position Filings to date:
Delvin Kinser
USD 483 Filings to date:
Stan Reiss
Jason Jennings
Clay Louderback
USD 483 Member at Large Filings to date:
Dusty Turner
Kismet City Filings to date:
Jon Lee
Ryan Kisner
SCCC/ATS Filings to date:
John Engel
Richard E. “Rick” Brenneman
Marvin D. Chance Jr.