“Making Our Voice Heard In Topeka” Seminar This Thursday

The Seward County Council of Governments along with the Liberal Chamber of Commerce and Seward County will host a seminar this Thursday at the Rock Island Depot from 11:30am-1:00pm. Lunch will be provided by Seward County.

The Seminar will feature 125th District Representative Shannon Francis to open the seminar at 11:45am.

Doug Smith and John Pinegar with Pinegar & Smith will talk about the role of lobbyists, and the differences between contract lobbyists and association lobbyists. They will also touch on how to get things done in Topeka, and how to communicate with and build relationships with your legislators and state employees. Pinnegar and Smith have represented many clients in Western Kansas including the Southwest Kansas Coalition which consists of Liberal, Garden City, and Dodge City.

Jim Rice will also talk about his experiences lobbying in Topeka and testifying on issues important to Western Kansas.

Carl Holmes, who represented the 125th District for 28 years, will talk about his experience as a legislator, and his take on how to get things done in Topeka.

There will also be a question and answer period for the panel.

This seminar is free and open to everyone. Foe more information, call the Liberal Chamber of Commerce at 620-624-3855 or the Seward Administration at 620-626-3330.