Main Street Guymon names Premier Partner

TCEC powers Guymon’s Main Street organization with more than electricity. The Main Street Guymon awards evening on February 15 brought that power to light.

Main Street Guymon presented TCEC with its Premier Partner award during the evening. The Premier Partner award highlights cooperation between Main Street Guymon and its various partners in their commercial district revitalization and community efforts.

“TCEC is a partner in almost all of Main Street Guymon’s endeavors,” said Melyn Johnson, Main Street Guymon’s director. “They’re willing to step in wherever help is needed, especially on new ideas and events that aren’t established. Their consistent support is greatly appreciated.”

Johnson listed a few of the ways the local electric cooperative has supported the organization, including:

Guymon Fiesta event sponsor and participant
Be Your Own Boss workshop sponsor
Meet Me at the Market Art Show sponsor
Guymon Outback event sponsor
Pangaea event sponsor
Career Focus employee participants and presenter
Community Clean Up employee volunteers
Employees serve on many Main Street Guymon committees
An employee served on the board from 2014 to 2021
Main Street Guymon member and supporter since its inception
“This award is an honor for our cooperative,” said TCEC CEO Zac Perkins. “Community is at the core of what we do. The seventh cooperative principle is ‘concern for community.’ Commitment to community is one of our values. Our mission is to safely power our communities. Giving back to our members is central to our business philosophy. Supporting and serving organizations like Main Street Guymon is one way we do that.”

Powering Main Street Guymon with its people and financial support is one of many ways TCEC lights up its communities.