LYP Hosts Grif Golf for Teachers

Liberal Young Professionals invites you to mini-golf this week for a great cause. LYP will be fundraising at Grif Golf from 6 to 10 p.m. from July 20 -26 with half of all proceeds benefiting B.A.T.T. (Businesses and Teachers Together). Grif Golf is located at North Blue Bonnet Park.

About B.A.T.T.:
Businesses and Teachers Together is a non-profit effort coordinated through the Liberal Chamber of Commerce Foundation designed to provide additional funds to teachers to purchase supplemental items for the classroom such as educational games, classroom decorations and reward/incentive programs to encourage classroom excellence by the students. The program was created to provide assistance to teachers and is not intended to compete with any of the other programs that help gather school supplies to be used by the students or for use for the day to day supplies that are already available to the teachers through the school district.