Liberal’s Syris Dunlap Wins Billy’s 10 Best Scholarship

Syris Dunlap is the Liberal winner of the Billy’s 10 Best

Scholarship. Dunlap is Liberal’s second all time leading

rusher with 3,639 yards. He had the fifth most rushing

yards in Redskin history this year with 1,293 yards. He

was 41-105 passing with 715 yards. Dunlap participates

in football, basketball, baseball, track, FCA, NHS, and

the fall musicals at LHS.

Winners of the Billy’s 10 Best Scholarship were announced Thursday

nights between 6-7 during the On the Sidelines Show at Billy’s on 102.7

and during the Friday morning Sportsguys between 7:35-9 and 1270 and Each week a deserving senior was announced as a winner

of a 350 dollar scholarship from Billy’s and 102.7.