Liberal Will Open Weight Room June 22

The District Administration has set the following dates for allowing USD 480 students to begin summer activities. All of these dates are subject to change based on the trajectory of COVID-19 cases in Seward County. The dates below coincide with Phase 4 (Phase Out) guidelines from the City of Liberal and take into consideration recommendations from the KSHSAA, KPRA, KDHE, Seward County, and the Ad Astra Governor’s Plan to reopen Kansas.
JUNE 22-26: ​ Summer Strength & Conditioning (3hr max per participant) NO EVENING EVENTS JUNE 29-July 2:​ Summer Strength & Conditioning (5hr max per participant) 2hr EVENING LIMIT JULY 3 – 6:​ USD 480 No Athletic Contact Days
JULY 7 -10:​ Summer Strength & Conditioning (No limits)
*Any one wanting to participate in Summer Camps must have completed 10 days of summer acclimation conditioning before attending*
July 13-17:​ Summer Strength & Conditioning (No limits)
July 20-24:​ Summer Strength & Conditioning (No limits)
July 27-31:​ Summer Strength & Conditioning (No limits)
Aug 3-7:​ Summer Strength & Conditioning (Band Camp)(No Winter or Spring Sports Workouts)
Aug 10-14:​ Summer Strength & Conditioning (Fall Sports Camps)(No Winter or Spring Sports Workouts) Aug 17:​ First Day of Fall Sports Practices
Further Clarification:​ Team Camps can happen no earlier than July 13th (Winter and Spring sports camp need to be completed by the week of Aug 1st). Outside competition (or use of school facilities for competition) will be allowed this summer if approved by athletic administration with restrictions to be expected. Facilities may be used beginning July 8th for team workouts IF students have met the appropriate KSHSAA requirements.
Safety: ​Students will remain in the same workout groups of no more that 45 students all summer. ALL students will have temperature checked before being allowed to be involved in any workout. If students have a temperature of 100 or above they will not be allowed to participate that day. Social distancing will be followed at all times. KSHSAA guidelines for tracking student contact will be in place. Those guidelines can be found at ​​.