Between January 17th and January 19th officers responded to numerous reports of auto burglaries around town. Several wallets, purses, cash and electronics were reported stolen from the unlocked vehicles.
On January 18th, investigating officers were able to identify three juvenile male suspects, ages 15, 16 and 17. The officers recovered some of the reported stolen property at that time as well as some property that hadn’t previously been reported. Some of the stolen property has not been recovered.
Affidavits have been forwarded to the Seward County Attorney seeking charges of burglary to auto (8 counts), theft (8 counts), criminal damage and conspiracy.
Anyone with information about these crimes is encouraged to call the Liberal Police Department at 626-0150 or the Crime Hotline at 624-4000. Persons providing information leading to the conviction of those responsible may be eligible for a reward.
Burglaries to vehicles are often crimes of opportunity. As such, remember to remove valuables from vehicles as well as lock unattended vehicles to lessen the opportunity.