Liberal Man Injured in Beaver County Accident

An injury accident  occurred Monday morning at 7:10am on County Road East West 14, 1 mile east of County Road North South 140, 2 miles east of Beaver, Oklahoma, in Beaver County.

A 2009 Tayler Workover Rig, driven by Ralph T Salas, 45  of Liberal, was traveling east on East West 14 when the vehicle  ran off the south edge of road. Salas overcorrected and lost  control of the rig. The vehicle  then rolled ¼ times landing on the left side of the vehicle, skidding 115 ft. in both lanes before finally coming to rest.

Salas was transported to the Beaver County Hospital in Beaver, Oklahoma, later transferred by Air Evac to OU Medical in Oklahoma City. He was admitted in stable condition with a  head injury.