The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening and wrapped up 2020 with several housekeeping items.
First the Commission approved the 2019 City Audit from Hay, Rice, and Associates, the entered into a contract for Hay Rice to do the 2020 Audit.
Commissioners approved Ordinance 4548 which amends the 2020 Fiscal Year Budget Appropriations for the Debt Service Fund, the Special Highway Fund, the City 1/2% Education Sales Tax Fund, the Airport Utility Fund, and the Wastewater Utility Fund. Also approved were the Fiscal Year 2020 Transfers and the Reclassification of Delinquent Accounts Receivable and Utility Accounts.
The Commission also set a date and time for a Public Hearing on Advisability of Creating a Community Improvement District in the Southgate Mall area for January 12th, 2021 at 5:30pm, and approved a sewer line easement with Seward County.
Commissioners also approved Recreation Center Fire Doors and Frames to be completed in Phases as funds become available. French Construction of Liberal was the lone bidder with the work to be done in 4 phases. Total cost of the entire project is $125,577.00