Liberal City Commission Meets, Wraps Up 2014

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening for their final meeting of 2014. Several end of the year items were on the agenda to clean up the books for the year. Approved by the commission was the Reclassification of Deliquent Accounts Recievable and Utility Accounts, Fiscal year 2014 Transfers, and Ordinance 4445 which amended the 2014 Fiscal Year Budget for the Special Parks and Rec Fund, the 1/2% Education Sales Tax Fund, the City 1% Sales Tax Fund, and the Wastewater Utility Fund.

The commission also adopted Ordinances 4443 and 4444 which brought the City code pertaining to Cross Connections and it’s Conservation Plan up to date, approved the 2015 Economic Development Programs, appointed Mike Brack and Jack Carlile to the Convetion and Visitors Board, and approved the update to the electrical box at the airport not toexceed $20,000 with the funds to come from the airport land sales fund.

Commissioners also moved to second readings Ordinances that would ban oil and gas drilling in the City limits, and change the set backs for the consumption of alcohol and cereal malt beverages to the less restrictive State of Kansas Standards. The final readings of tese two Ordinances will be at the first meeting in January.