Liberal City Commission Meets, Takes No Action On USD 480 Funding Request

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday night for their regular meeting at 6:30pm in the Liberal City Commission Chambers. Among the items on the agenda the Commission heard a proposal from USD 480 School Board President Delvin Kinser, on proposed financing, utilizing a special sales tax for school improvements in the district. After lengthy discussion, the Commission took no action on the proposal, stating more specific, detailed information was needed. Commissioners also approved the Submittal of a 2013 USDA Self Help Housing Grant, approved the sale of a Thermal Imager, that is no longer used by the Liberal Fire Department, to the Turpin Fire Department for $1, and appointed Tyler Payne and Vivek Bhakta to the Convention and Visitors Bureau. The next meeting of the Liberal City Commission is set for September 24th.