The Liberal City Commission met on Tuesday evening and swore in the Commissioners who were elected in November. The incoming Commissioners are Ron Warren, Jose Lara, and Matt Landry. The Commission then selected Jose Lara to serve as Mayor for 2024 and Jeff Parsons for Vice-Mayor.
Commissioners passed Resolution No. 2407 Set Public Hearing for RHID, Ortuno Addition with the date of the Hearing being February 13th, at 5:30 pm.
The Commission the approved the purchase of CivicGov software in the amount of $48,850.00 for the Building Department. Discussion was also held on a Planning and Zoning Board member and attendence at meetings. Ernest Gotia Jr. has missed 9 of the 16 meetings since he was appointed to the Board, so the Commission voted to vacate his position.
Karen LaFreniere, Grants Director provided the Commission a Grant Department 2023 Review and the Commission adopted Resolution No. 2408 a Waiver of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. The City has determined that the financial statements and financial reports for the year ended 2023 to be prepared in conformity with the requirements of K.S.A. 75-1120a(a) are not relevant to the requirements of the cash basis and budget laws of this state and are of no significant value to the Governing Body or the members of the general public of the City of Liberal.
City Staff is satisfied the partnership with Sunflower Bank and voted retain them as the official bank of record and the High Plains Leader & Times (print and online editions) to be the newspaper of record for the City of Liberal.