Liberal City Commission Meets, Reorganizes

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening at 6:30pm in the City Commission Chambers for their regularly scheduled meeting. Among the items on the agenda, the Commission proclaimed April as Fair Housing Month. After the Consent Agenda was approved, the City Commission reorganized. Joe Denoyer was voted in by the Commission as the new Mayor, with Dean Aragon to serve as Vice-Mayor. After a short recess,the commission readjourned and approved several vehicle abatements, renewed the contract with Retail Attractions for economic development services for the city, and approved purchases for the Fire Department, Recreation Department and the Air Museum. Purchased for the Fire Department was a pick up and setup for the pick up. Tables, chairs, basketball goals and a block ice shaver was approved for the Recreation Department, while equipment and training for the Robotics Program was approved for the Air Museum. The next Liberal City Commission meeting is scheduled for Aprill 22nd.