The Liberal City Commission met Wednesday evening for their regular meeting that was moved due to a Legislative trip to Washington DC. Among the items on the agenda, Commissioners were informed of promotions within the Liberal Fire Department. Promoted to the rank of "B" Shift Captain, was Jose Torres, and to the rank of "B" Shift Lieutenant, was Tyson Rice. I action items, the Commissioners heard a report on the City’s insurance and voted to approve Al Shank Insurance as the carrier for the City, with a total premium cost of $450,579.00. This reflects an increase of 4.4%, due to multiple claims in the City’s Workers Compensation plan.
The City Commission also made several purchases during the meeting for various departments, with monies coming from donations. For the Fire Department, the commission approved the purchase of 2 new Thermal Imagers in the amount of $26,989.00 with the money coming from a local charitible organization. Commissioners also approved a new exhibit for the Air Museum, "Greatest Generation" in the amount of $11,000.00 with donated funds from a private individual, and also approved upgrades in equipment and services for the Recreation Department, once again with donated funds in the amount $12,415.65. The Commission approved the purchase of new JustWare Software for the Municipal Court in the amount of $185,836.00 with the monies coming from several areas including $45,000.00 from donations. This software will put together all pieces of the recent upgrades which will link, the Police Department, the Sheriff’s Department, Communications, and now Municipal Court, together.
The next meeting of the Liberal City Commission will be April 9th.