The Liberal City Commission met on Tuesday evening and after discussion and information, approved the opening of the Gun Range to the public effective Wednesday March 24. The Key will need to be picked up at Communications after filling out the online reservation form.
Commissioners reviewed the City’s insurance with Al Shank Insurance and voted to approve the renewal for 2022-2023 in the amount of $794,956.00. Discussion was also held once again on UTV’s in the City
An agreement and a Quit Claim Conveyance was tabled with Tree Street Development and Commissioners approved entering into an Interlocal Agreement to join the Western Kansas Investigation Task Force.
The Commission entered into an agreement with Volaire Consulting to assist in finding an airline to service Liberal’s Airport once SkyWest pulls out.
The Policy Manual and pay scale were discussed by the Commissioners and Arkalon and Animal Control was also discussed. Arkalon Park will fall under the Parks Department and Animal Control goes back under the Police Department in the 2023 budget year.