The Liberal City Commission met on Tuesday evening and introduced Lynn Koehn as the new City Attorney.
Among action items on the agenda, the Commission approved the vacating of an alleyway on the Groendyke property, approved Industrial Revenue Bonds for a development in north Liberal, approved environmental abatements in Liberals mobile home parks, and approved $20,686.00 for Teen Court.
Commissioners also approved the purchase of a chassis and roll off bed for the Solid Waste Department, the purchase of a mini excavator and trailer for the Water Department, and the purchase of equipment for the IT Department.
City Commissioners tabled the purchase of a pick up for the Self Help Housing Program and voted against pursuing another grant from USDA for another phase of Self Help homes.
B&H Paving was awarded the bid for crack sealing in the City, the Commission voted to spend funds not to exceed $20,000 for repairs at Arkalon Park, and approved the Federal Fund Supplemental Agreement.
Chris Carlile and Royce Kitts were appointed to the JCAPS Board and Liberal Memorial Library was given the go ahead for a new electronic sign in Cooper Park.
The City Commission entered into an agreement with Earles Engineering for Water line services, and the Commission voted to end the Sewer evaluations effective February 2, and February 9.