The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening and honored employees with service awards. Honored for 10 years of service with the City were Steve Condren,Animal Control, Christopher Head and Jared Ratzlaff, Police Department, Alicia Hialgo, Administration, and Raymond Mcvey, Street Department. Also honored for 25 years of service was Jose Del Real,Street Department.
The Commission approved John Haas of Ranson Financial to officially represent the City on Financial matters,and approved, after a presentation by Mr. Haas, Special Assessment Financing for the Doll Addition Development. This includes the Initiation of Public Improvements Financial Security Adjustments,street,drainage, and water improvements, and the authorization of the sale of General Obligation Bonds.
Commissioners moved to Second Readings two Ordinances which brought certain codes within the Water Department up to date, and adopted the Standard Traffic Ordinances, and Public Offence Codes.
The Commission approved the 2015 Housing Programs and and Assignment Agreement for the EdwardsStreet Rural Housing District.
B&H Paving of Scott City again was awarded the Crack Sealing bid, as they were the lone bidder, and the City approved the purchase of recording equipment for the Police Interrogation Rooms to replace the ones that had stopped working.
The commission approved the relocation of existing sewer utilities on Pine Street in the area of the new Eisenhower School to facilitate the costruction of the new school. and accepted a $500 donation from HD Supply WaterWorks for the new softball fields.
Board appointments were also made at Tuesday nights meeting. Appointed to the Parks and Recreaion Board was Gary Classen and Debbie King, to the Arkalon Council was John Garinger, and tothe Airport board was Chad Mease, Tracy King, Ron Prentice, and Charles Posl.
The next meeting of the Liberal City Commission will be December 23rd.