Liberal City Commission Meets, Extends City Manager Contract to Russell Varnado

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening and after an Executive Session at the end of the meeting, relieved Calvin Burke of his duties with the City of Liberal, named Chris Ford and Brad Beer as Co-Interim City Managers, and approved the contract for Russell Varnado to become the next City Manager of Liberal effective June 2, 2022. Included in the contract is a moving allowance, vehicle allowance, cell phone, housing allowance, pension and insurance, and an initial term of employment for 31 months from June 2, 2022 through December 31, 2024. During this initial term, Varnado will receive a salary of $128,000.00 for the first 12 months and a salary of $133,000.00 annually and pro-rated for the next 19 months of 2023 and 2024. Varnado will begin employment with the City on June 2, 2022.

UTV discussion was once again held with a call for public comments, Quit Claim Conveyance with Tree Street Development, LC was approved as was Point of sale for the Recreation Center and Adventure Bay Concessions. This will allow the taking of credit and debit cards at these locations.

The Commission also authorized the purchase of 36- Scott Air-Pak X3 Pro SCBA with masks and 72 – 45-minute air cylinders in the amount of $352,620.00. Funding for the purchase will be a $50,000 down payment from the Fire Department regular budget and enter in to a lease purchase agreement through Community Leasing Partners for the remaining balance for 7 years at the quoted interest rate of 3.43%.