Liberal City Commission Meets, Approves Vehicle and Environmental Abatements

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening at 6:30pm in the City Commission Chambers for their regularly scheduled meeting. Among the items on the agenda, the Commission was introduced to two of the new firefighters of the four that have been recently hired, Justin Kennel and Scott Halberg. Commissioners approved the abatement of several properties and vehicles throughout the City that are not up to City code, and set a Hearing for the Condemnation of 11 South Pershing Avenue. The Hearing will be January 22, 2013. City Commissioners approved the lone bid from B&H Paving of Scott City at .94 cents per pound for crack sealing in the City, not to exceed the budgeted amount of $150,000.00. This years bid is up 3 cents per pound over last year. City Commissioners als approved an agreement with DCP for a permanent easement and access road for a pipeline that will cross the Arkalon Park property. The second meeting of the Liberal City Commission in December has moved to December 26th due to the Christmas Holiday.