Liberal City Commission Meets, Approves Taxiway Improvements

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening at 6:30pm for their regularly scheduled meeting. Among the items on the agenda, the commission was introduced to new Liberal Memorial Library director Royce Kitz and Developers Gavin and Garrett Wright. The Wrights will be opening a sales office in Liberal and will also be developing property in Liberal and adding several duplexes in their addition. The Commission also received a check for $4,200.00 from the Rotary Club in Liberal to be used for trees, benches and other improvements at Arkalon Park. The City Commission also adopted the Budget for the Fiscal year 2015 which reflects a mill levy increase of 3.798 mills. Increases are due largely in part to State mandated increases in KPERS, Kansas Poilice and Fire retirement Fund, and in 2015, there wil be an additional pay period. The additional pay period alone accounts for an increase of $300,000.00. Commissioners accepted a grant for Taxiway A and Taxiway C projects. Cost of the Projects is $7,363,811. The grant is for $6,793,507 with a 5% local match of $357,554. The commission also approved a temporary sewer line for G and G Homes sales office. The next meeting of the Liberal City Commission will be September 9th, 2014.