The Liberal City Commission met on Tuesday night and started the meeting by Proclaimion February as Girl Scout Month in the City of Liberal.
Frank Holman, Sanitation Director for the City of Liberal, was before the Commissioners with plans and a propsal to rebuild the City’s Recycle Center. After hearing the presentation by Mr. Holman, Commissioners approved the construction of the center with the $30,000 to come from the insurance settlement from the old center. The new Recycly Center will be located at 4th and Washington, adjoinung the current Sanitation Building, and will accept, paper, cardboard, plastic, and aluminum cans.
Commissioners also approved an autoclave for the Wastewater Department, Records storage system for the Police Department, and IT Department Equipment upgrades.
The City Commission will be presenting the "State of The City" Address on Thursday, February 19th at 6:00pm at SCCC/ATS.