Liberal City Commission Meets, Approves IRB’s For CNG Station

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening and approved Industrial Revenue Bonds for CNG Energy Liberal LLC. The bonds will help in the financing and construction of a public use CNG fueling station on the northwest corner of Highway 83 and Tucker Road. The city is at no financial risk with IRB’s.

Commissioners approved the renewal of the City’s insurance with Al Shank Insurance for 2015-2016 with a premium rate of $556,412.00. This reflects a 2.5% overall increas over 2014-2015.

The City Commission also approved the final reading of the plat for G&G Homes, appointed Denasa Rice to the Liberal Housing Authority Boardand dropped the income guidlines for the Paint the Town Program. Now anyone desiring to paint their home can go to the City and request up to $300 for supplies to repaint the home they live in.

The Commission approved the purcase of new tasers, and Handhel radio’s for the Police Department, 72 new 3 yard dumpsters and 4 additional roll-off containers for the Solid Waste Department, new soccer goals, nets and an air hockey table for the Recreation Depatrment with these items for the Rec. Dept. to be purchase through a doanation grant, and new HVAC units for City Hall.

Commissioners approved sending a Letter of Map Revision to FEMA to possibly re-evaluate the flood zone area in the Carpenter Heights Addition, and approved a request from Loves Travel Plaza for them to complete a portion of 8th Street to give access to their property and future project.

The City Commission encourages everyone to come to the Rock Island Depot, Thursday at 5:30pm for the "What’s Happening in Liberal" program.