Liberal City Commission Meets, Approves Housing Programs

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening in the City Commission Chambers for their regularly scheduled meeting. One item discussed before the agenda was approved was to enter into talks with Seward County and SCCC/ATS concerning the shooting range. The Commission had already approved expending funds for improvements to the existing range, but instructed staff to set up a joint meeting to discuss all options before improvements are started. Also added to the agenda was discussion on the creation of a Housing Board and a Builders/Contractors Board. When this item came up for discussion, Commissioner Warren made a motion to seek applicants for these boards to see if there were any interested applicants. Concerns were brought up concerning the make up and direction these boards would have, so Commissioner Warren rescinded his motion, pending further exploration. Commissioners approved the Rezoning of a plat of land in the Village Plaza area from C2 to PUD, which allows a housing project to move forward. The Commission approved several Housing Programs for 2014 which includes: The Hosing Incentive Program, The First Time Home Buyers Program, SAFE At Home Program, The Senior Housing Opportunities Program, and The Paint The Town Program. All would remain the same as the did in 2013 with the exception of the First Time Home Buyers Program. Changes to this program would allow for 48 applicants to receive benefits as apposed to the 40 in 2013.Approved was pursuingthe purchase of 6 lots for the Self-Help Housing Program with an amount not to exceed $50,000.00, which the City would be reimbursed when the home owners purchased the lots for construction. Also on the agenda the Commission rejected a proposed Conceal Carry plan that was presented to the Commission. Staff will rework a proposal and present it to the Commission at the next meeting. Commissioners approved a plaque to be placed at the Rosel Field Baseball Complex explaining the history of the field and the Rosel Family’s dedication to the youth of the community. The next Liberal City Commission meeting will be held Monday, December 23.