Liberal City Commission Meets Approves Housing Incentives

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening and approved Ordinance 4593 Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. This was presented at the last meeting giving everyone two weeks to comment. The Commission also approved a Special Use Permit for 811 N. Holly. The owner is wanting to have a home office at that address.

Commissioners passed the RHID and Development agreement for the Navajo Road project where 16 homes will be built and adopted Ordinance 4597 establishing Parade Route requirements.

Deed releases were approved on Airport property for Charles Posl/ABC Storage, and Dollar General. Commissioners also will send a recommendation to the DOT through the Essential Air Service to remain with SkyWest Airlines as the Air Carrier for Liberal.

The City also pushed the discussion to April regarding putting the City Logo on the Water Tower. The Commission also approved the purchase of 2 30-yard Round Body Challengers and two truck Chasis for the Solid Waste Department.

A Body Armour purchase for the Police Department was approved, and discussion was held on a second overpass in Liberal. Clay, Western, and Pershing Avenues are being considered, with Pershing Avenue looking like it could be the best option.