Liberal City Commission Meets, Approves Funding Truancy Program

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday night at 6:30pm for their regularly scheduled meeting. Among the items on the agenda was the Adolescent Support Services Truancy Program. After a presentation by Director Ivanhoe Love Jr., and a discussion period, the Commission approved expending $52,666.00 to fund the City’s portion of the program. This was contingent on Seward County, and USD 480 also supporting the program at the same amount for each entity. Total cost of the program would be $158,000.00. Commissioners also approved the Final Reading of Ordinance 4412 which replats a parcel of land to Multi-Family Dwelling, and approved the purchase of 4 lots for the Self-Help Housing Program. Cost of the lots are $4500.00 each, with an estimated $5000.00 improvements to each lot. All the costs associated with the land will be recouped when the lots are sold to the participants in the program. The Commission also approved participating with the County for new aerial photos of the city to be used for economic development purposes, approved the purchase of computer software for the Fire Department for record management at a cost of $2167.00 for the next 5 years, and approved the purchase of a Labratory Composite Sampler for the Wastewater Treatment Plant. This will cost $5,284.00 ans replaces one that is currently 20 years old and non functional.. The next regular meeting of the Liberal City Commission will be August 13th.