Liberal City Commission Meets, Approves Funding Mechanism For New Wastewater Plant

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening at 6:30 for their regularly scheduled meeting> To start the meeting the Commission Proclaimed May as "Poppy Month" and received poppies from The Liberal American Legion Auxillary.

During items from Groups, the City received a Dividend check from Employers Mutual through Al Shank Insurance in the ammount of $86, 594.64. This is the larest check the City has received from Employers Mutual in the past several years. Also during the Items from Groups portion of the meeting, the Commissioners heard an update on the progress of Truancy Court and Teen Court. Both programs are funded by a cooperaive effort from th City, County, and USD 480.

The Commission past 2 Ordinances which will set in place the funding for the engineering and construction of a new Wastewater Treatment Plant, with revolving loans from the KDHE. If the loans are used, repayment would come from the usages fees collected from customers.

The City Commission also approved the purchase of protective gear for the Fire Department, and 200 poly carts for Solid Waste Department, and accepted the lone bid from B&H Paving for the City’s annual Chip Sealing project.