The Liberal City Commission met on Tuesday evening and after a presentation of the Seward County EOC Guidelines, held discussion and approved to adhere to those guidelines within the City.
The Commission approved a Franchise agreement with Idea Tek, and approved the submittal of the 2022 Transportation Programs through KDOT.
The Commission approved a CDBG-CV Grant with Geddy’s Photography/Salon in the amount of $10,737.00, and approved new signage for the Recreation Center in the amount of $25,159.78 and will utilize donated funds.
Commissioners approved Ramp repairs in the amount of $8,255.00 and Emergency Asphalt Repair Ramp for the airport in the amount of $29,920.00 both which will be funded through the CARES Act.
Approved for the Police department was the purchase of 38 body cameras and interview room recording equipment from Watch Guard in the amount of $74,782.50. Diversion funds will be used for these purchases.
Industrial Revenue Bonds were discussed by the Commission for a projects at the Southgate Mall and Plaza Areas and approved a contract for the purchase of City Property at the Industrial Airport Park was approved with USD 480.
Permanent Easements and Permanent Public Utility Easements were approved by the City with National Beef.
In an added agenda item, Commissioners approved an amendment to the repayment of Water Loan funds to the KDHE.