Liberal City Commission Meets, Approves Audit

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening at 5:30pm for their regularly scheduled meeting.

The Commission heard the 2015 Audit report from Dustin Ormiston of Hay, Rice, and Associates. Ormiston stated that the City of Liberal was in good shape and very stable. The Commission approved the audit and entered into a contract with Hay, Rice, and Associates for the 2016 audit.

Commissioners approved vehicle and environmental abatements, appointed Steven Norton to the Planning and Zoning Board, and Skeety Poulton to the Parks and Recreation board.

In purchase requests, the City Commission approved a new phone system for the Recreation Department, AIX System upgrade and a Case Cracker Interview Room System for the Police Department, and approved a lease/purchase agreement with Southern Office Supply for a Sharp Color Copier for the Convention and Visitors Bureau.

The Commissioners approved Phase 3 and 4 of the Kansas Avenue Project which will see work done on Kansas A venue between 15th Street and Tucker Road.

The City of Liberal will continue services with the Southwest Kansas Coalition lobbyists, Pinegar and Smith, and approved the SKC Legislative Policy.

After a 15 minute Executive Session, the Commissioners voted to give the City Manager, Mark Hall, a raise in line with the rest of the City Employees and Department Heads.