Liberal City Commission Meets, Approves Airport Runway Reconstruction Bids

The Liberal City Commission met Tuesday evening at 6:30pm in the City Commission Chambers for their regularly scheduled meeting. Among the items on the agenda, the Commissioners held the second of 2 Public Hearings on an application to the KDH&E on a revolving Loan Fund for upgrades to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Commissioners voted to approve the submission of the application. If approved, almot $20, 500,000.00 would be set aside for upgrades the the current facility, which was built in 1985. Commissioners also approved the purchase of Firefighter Protective clothing in the amount of $3942.00 from Quest Enterprises, the purchase of a Dodge van for the Convention and Visitors Bureau to replace the one that was totaled in an accident. The purchase was made from Chrysler Corner of Liberal in the amount of $23,271.00 with the funding to come from insurance received from the collision, CVB�??s equipment reserve, and only $700.00 coming from their budget. The Commission also approved 3 items regarding airport runway upgrades. The first was the approval of the bid from Klaver Construction for the reconstruction of Crosswind Runway 4/22 in the amount of $3,880,450.55. Secondly, the Commissioners approved the acceptance of a Federal Grant for the project in the amount of $3,932,654.00 with a 5% City match of $216,782.00. Thirdly the Commission approved a Supplemental Agreement with H.W. Lochner of Kansas City in the amount of $245,135 for construction inspection services. During Tuesday�??s meeting the Commission also appointed Rudy Alferro to the Diversity Council Board, and as a result of an Executive Session appointed Chris Ford and Sheena Schmutz to monitor a Mediation Hearing for the City in Wichita. The next regular meeting of the Liberal City Commission is scheduled for July 10th.